Monday, January 07, 2008

I really don't know what to say

about this evening.

I loved the people I went with, I'm so glad you got me that ticket.
I was going to be really sad if Spencer didn't get a ticket.
I really didn't want you to get sad or worry if he wasn't going to be able to get in.
I mean, as soon as we found out at Taco Bell, we were thinking up so many ways to solve the problem, cheer you up, do whatever it took.

You know I hate seeing you sad.

The show itself, was great.
Every band, especially A Day To Remember, were absolutely fantastic.
The people, on the other hand, not so much.
Ocala kids really dont care about other people.
At least we're all friends here on this side of town at shows.

What I'm really sorry about, is that everybody, especially you, got hurt.
I feel so bad about it.
I have been all evening.
Its a mixture of missing you, amorous thoughts, and this weird sinking feeling that I could have fixed things.
If I had only been there to stop it.
If I had only caught it happening.
If I had only been standing in a different spot, I would have gotten hurt, not you.
/sigh, please be okay.
Please smile.

I get done with classes tomorrow at 4:45.
I'll definitely see you afterwards. :]


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