Thursday, January 17, 2008


If love needs a reason, then there is no reason for love.
Emotions and logic counteract.
If you didnt, then I wouldnt have faith. And isnt that what love is? Faith in something extrinsic?

We have lust on a chemical reaction or a physical attraction; but love is something higher than that, something innate in what we perceive to be our common consciousness. And its younger sibling 'like' is in the same vein.
There are millions of reasons why people are compatible or not, or why they could like each other or not, but if you try to apply reason to arguably the strongest of human emotions, everything falls short.

Although we all know and sympathize with the content and quality of affection, and some of us even believe it to exist without ourselves (as in an external force that continues beyond our cerebral cortex), whether or not that is true is irrelevant.
There is no need for why or reason.


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