was the last time I decided to write in this thing.
Why does so much happen in so little time.
I could go on about this, but when I've got to funnel so much into what little time I have, its hard.
If there were a way that I didnt have to ever sleep and still be healthy, I'd do it.
I'd say "sign me up", and become a sleepless machine.
The average human sleeps 1/3 of their life away.If only I could be above average in that department.
Break convention and completely sort things out.
Like a room, my minds a mess at times.
Theres things lying about that need to be picked up, put away.
Friends I always promise to see, and never get the chance to.
People I always feel the urge to catch up with.
Work to do.
Things to watch, play, read.
Art to make, photos to take, pictures to draw.
Music, music, music.
You see?
I need to change something in my schedule.
I know I'm not going to school this summer.
I know I'm going to spread work around.
About work: surprise! I'm transferring.
I really dont enjoy Waters and Anderson any more.
Dont get me wrong, it's not the people. I love the employees, the regulars, but the ideas and the way its run is just shit.
I dont know. I couldnt tell you why if you asked.
So I'm just sitting here in bed mulling through what needs to come out.
There are times when I do have a way with words, and times when I just fumble.
Turn over.
All in all, I am happy. I have a great girlfriend. Friends that love me. Things to do.
People to see. Always.
This gave me a good chuckle. I love the shit that
Stumble Upon brings me sometimes.
I've felt really inspired to do art lately. All art. Spray art. Wheat pasting. Drawing.
I want a couple new tattoos. I think I'm just going to go for it.
Reader, if youre actually reading this, and enjoying what I have to say, I appreciate you.
I know that sometimes it might be mindless rambling.
Or a slightly bitchy rant.
But know, that youre special.
Also, appreciate Banksy:
Youve dropped every line but they dont mean a thing.