Tuesday, February 05, 2008

So my mind is racing

And I dont know where to start again:
-I really want to work on honing my red deck.
-I think I can win more with it if I try harder
-I have a lot of clothes, I should get rid of my old ones.
-People would go thrifting and find them, and get soooo excited.
-I have some pretty awesome old t-shirts.
-I think thats me though. I dont collect much, but t-shirts and cool clothes, I love to find.
-I need a hoodie. A good new trusty hoodie. As soona s my deposit goes through I'm definitely getting the RBF one.
-I keep telling myself to pick up playing bass again. When will I actually get the chance?
-I am already burnt out on this semester. I feel so far behind. :[
-I've had a lot of stress lately. I dont know what to do. Oh wait, yes. I do*

Tonight was great.
Today was just good, in general.
I took another day off to sleep in, and really get things taken care of with my car.
Next: Get it running from Rich to good.
After: Get James and Bryan to help me hook the car up.

It was a relaxing day. Largo was great. James was pretty funny, as were the other dudes.
I was happy to see you.
I have a lot of questions for you, though.
Maybe I'll come back tomorrow.

*Youre nuts. I cant take it. I think that you should just sit and sort your shit out for once. I dont even think I can help. I'm done.

You took the easy way out when I gave you something to stand for.

I was just another promise, that you couldnt keep.

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