Sunday, February 03, 2008

And it feels like

I'm at an all time low. Slightly bruised and broken, from our head on collision.

Ouch. You know, theres never really such thing as rushing too fast into anything, you just need to look before you leap. But plunging feet first into the deep end could be just as dangerous as head first into the shallows.
Make up your mind before you speak, for that matter. I know what you want, and I know what you need, but just come out with it. Because, you also know, but you just need to sort everything out.
I cant stand idle forever, though. I know that its what you'd like, but not even having a glimpse of the end of your troubles is what worries me. I know you'd like to pursue things, because otherwise you wouldnt have asked me to keep holding on, but I'm not a yo-yo. Expecting me to bounce back when you need it isnt what I'm good for.
I hope you read this, and I hope this makes sense to you.

And as for you, thanks for visiting.
And the retarded candy. [that I felt so guilty enjoying. It's like watching the porn that you dont want anyone to know you watch. Lawl]
I'm sure you had a lot you wanted to say, but at the same time, I dont know you did.
I mean, you did drive all the way to my job, wait an hour, and then talked like we never had issues. If you want to talk, please tell me you want to talk.
I was half expecting it, actually.
But thats you, quiet in the heat of the moment.
I didnt know what to say, because I didnt know what you wanted to hear.
It was great seeing you.

I'm sorry readers, that I have been stressed lately.
Even I have shit that I need to sort out.

Sort this out on your own time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I have to call you out on it: "I didnt know what to say, because I didnt know what you wanted to hear."

How many times have I said that to you?

Yeah. You hippo. Crit.

Baha. Chin up.