Sunday, January 13, 2008

I sat

and watched the birds.
I watched them traverse effortlessly across the vast lot.
I sat and watched the hanging fog slowly dissipate and the morning sky fight a fruitless battle to turn from gray to blue.
And I thought to myself:
I wonder what it would be like if we could just. . . fly everywhere.
You know, never in my life have I had the "I can fly" dream. Whether it be lucid or normal, I've never gotten the pleasure of soaring above.


It's like people watching, but so much easier. Birds dont care if you stare. Birds dont judge me. The might shit on my car and favor me for the crumbs I have to share, but thats their nature.

Karen Pommeroy: This could be the death of an entire way of life, the end of an era...
Donnie: Why should we care?
Karen Pommeroy: Because the rabbits are us, Donnie.
Donnie: Why should I mourn for a rabbit like he was human?
Karen Pommeroy: Are you saying that the death of one species is less tragic than another?
Donnie: Of course. The rabbit's not like us. It has no... keen look at something in the mirror, it has no history books, no photographs, no knowledge of sorrow or regret... I mean, I'm sorry, Miss Pommeroy, don't get me wrong; y'know, I like rabbits and all. They're cute and they're horny. And if you're cute and you're horny, then you're probably happy, in that you don't know who you are and why you're even alive. And you just wanna' have sex, as many times as possible, before you die... I mean, I just don't see the point in crying over a dead rabbit! Y'know, who... who never even feared death to begin with. "

Nature. What a broad term.
Lets apply it to humans.
Human Nature. It's a broad subject, but we can do well to apply it tot he whole people watching aspect.

Theres been a quote that I've been tossing around in my head for a couple days:

"Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think."

Can you tell who feels, versus who thinks? it's a spectrum, although, it's one of many. It's a valid subject, but there are so many more sides to the puzzle here. And I know this, which is why this is a slowly developing thing. I'm not going to jump feet first into observation of human nature. But it's my thing. I'm a PEOPLE person. It's in my blood to interact with people.

[And this quote has no reason to cause worry. There is a story behind this, as well as everything else I have come to be. No jumping to conclusions or fret over it. No i'm not a robot, or a machine, or heartless. I know where I stand, just ask me about it.]

Maybe I am in the wrong field. Education might be a good way to touch kids,

ha. . .

But in reality what if theres a social science job that maybe could suit me more, or a public relations job. I dont know. With a degree and a well written resume in my hand, I can do more then I think I give myself credit for, I just need to finish up school.

In conclusion, I dont know how I want to finish this post. So I'll just leave it awkward and hanging.

The truth is, my life is great and I like where it's headed.

1 comment:

I, NotHer said...

Hey you.

I adore that you end every post with a photo. Where do they come from?

It would be nice to see you more often.